What's New!
Although not 100% Phoenix Technology's Website is now up and running. We will be adding and updating as we find the time so please check back often. Currently the search bar is not working. We will also be adding a solutions page to help you work through some of the more common issues you may come across and providing a more comprehensive list of links. Consider this page a work in progress. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to email us on the Contact Us page. Also there may be some formating issues with the text in IE6, I am working to correct those as I come across them.
Pheonix Technology
Phoenix Technology is an information technology (IT) support company. We offer support services, products, and cost effective solutions for residential and commercial clients. Phoenix Technology is registered Microsoft Partner and a Microsoft Small Business Specialist allowing us access to all of Microsoft software solutions and advanced support services. We are OEM systems builders, offering laptops, desktops, and servers to keep you and your business up and running. We are Rhode Island Telecommunications Licensed. This means you will get the service and support that you deserve. Call today for a for free technology assessment for your home or business.
Not all situations are exactly the same, some environments require specialized equipment. To that end we make it a point to keep up to date with products as they are released into the market place. We have access to and offer products from many different manufactures...more
We offer services, custom solutions, and IT support for commercial clients, specializing in small to medium sized business environments. All solutions are designed to meet, enhance, or replace your existing IT infrastructure...learn more
We also offer services and support for residential clients...learn more
- Coming Soon! as I scan them in and upload them to the wesite.